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is an Indigenous Peoples-led nonprofit founded to protect and promote the rights of indigenous peoples in Kenya with a particular focus on the Rift Valley Region. Among its activities relate to socio-economics and sustainable, culturally relevant development. The JAC aspires to provide a voice to champion for inclusion and equity towards a coordinated and systematic front.


Current Programming and Milestones

Being a start-up organization, Jamii Asilia Centre has in its first year of existence made an incredible mark. When the pandemic hit, the Endorois and Ilchamus in Baringo Sub-County in Kenya had been experiencing fast-rising water levels in their lake systems – Lakes Baringo and Bogoria. Jamii Asilia, with the support of Land is Life, commissioned scientific research […]

Enhancing agro-pastoralists’ resilience amongst the Endorois youth and women towards indigenous food sovereignty

Enhancing agro-pastoralists’ resilience amongst the Endorois youth and women towards indigenous food sovereignty The pastoralist Endorois community in the target area have practised transhumance indigenous cattle rearing since time immemorial. The areas of Kapkuikui, Kaptombes and Sandai are climatically semi-arid and has been classified as an Arid and Semi-Arid Land and in an agro-pastoral marginalized […]

Water Rising Report

Report on water rising levels in Lakes Baringo and Bogoria  When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the Endorois and Ilchamus in Marigat Sub-County in Kenya had already been experiencing fast-rising water levels in their lake systems due to among other causes, climate change affecting ecological balance and its rich biodiversity. The said rise in water levels […]

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