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is an Indigenous Peoples-led nonprofit founded to protect and promote the rights of indigenous peoples in Kenya with a particular focus on the Rift Valley Region. Among its activities relate to socio-economics and sustainable, culturally relevant development. The JAC aspires to provide a voice to champion for inclusion and equity towards a coordinated and systematic front.

Kenya Indigenous Youth Network



Indigenous Youth in Kenya have a less unified voice to better articulate and champion their interest in the social-political and cultural spaces, contributing to the systemic exclusion and further marginalisation of Indigenous Peoples. For a long time, the Indigenous Peoples agenda has not meaningfully included youth in the decision-making, especially in governance. The few times this happens, issues of the youths are mentioned as any other business (AOB), and by people with limited and often insufficient knowledge of indigenous peoples, other than the elders and leaders from these Indigenous Peoples.

The conveners of KIYN under the network of indigenous youth in Kenya – intend to hold a two-day workshop for indigenous youth leaders in Kenya whose aim is to bring together Indigenous Youth leaders to build and enhance their capacity in the Indigenous law, mechanisms, frameworks and to build a robust strategic partnership towards joint promotion and protection of indigenous peoples rights in Kenya. The network’s interim secretariat is hosted by Jamii Asilia Centre — a youth-led non-profit, non-governmental organisation registered under the Non-Governmental Organisations and Coordination Act (2012).

KIYN convenes the Kenya Indigenous Youth Forum (KIYF), an annual event held to coincide with the United Nations International Day of World’s Indigenous Peoples, which happens on 9th August every year.

Network Guiding Principles

The Kenya Indigenous Youth Forum design will facilitate strong peer to peer interaction in a safe and open environment. The following principles shall guide the Forum:

  • Meaningful participation and engagement of the indigenous youth;
  • Involvement of other special interest groups within indigenous peoples; women, persons living with disabilities and children.
  • Respect for diversity and sensitivity to traditional and cultural differences and identities.
  • Respect for gender rights and or representation with intentional efforts to include all genders in the discussions.

Statement on the International Human Rights Day

Indigenous Youth call for urgent protection of Indigenous Peoples Rights; It is a time to respect and protect Human Rights Defenders.

As the world commemorates International Human Rights Defenders Day and Human Rights Day, the Kenya Indigenous Youth Network (KIYN) stands in solidarity with Indigenous Peoples in Kenya and globally in defending their self-determination and culture, language and their land rights.

We acknowledge and remember with deep concern the suffering and deaths of indigenous youths worldwide occasioned by depression and suicide. Similarly, we stand with the families of human rights defenders who have lost their lives defending the rights of Indigenous Peoples.


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