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is an Indigenous Peoples-led nonprofit founded to protect and promote the rights of indigenous peoples in Kenya with a particular focus on the Rift Valley Region. Among its activities relate to socio-economics and sustainable, culturally relevant development. The JAC aspires to provide a voice to champion for inclusion and equity towards a coordinated and systematic front.

Current Programming and Milestones

Being a start-up organization, Jamii Asilia Centre has in its first year of existence made an incredible mark. When the pandemic hit, the Endorois and Ilchamus in Baringo Sub-County in Kenya had been experiencing fast-rising water levels in their lake systems – Lakes Baringo and Bogoria. Jamii Asilia, with the support of Land is Life, commissioned scientific research into the issue, and has launched the report. Since 2015 there has been a reported rise in water levels in Baringo’s two lake systems; these are Lake Baringo and Lake Bogoria. The said rise in water levels became exponential this year leading to disastrous environmental effects to the flora and fauna and displacement of villages and destruction of public utilities such as schools and dispensaries. It is against this backdrop that JAC carried out scientific research on the causes of the constant rise of the water and further documented socio-economic impacts on the affected persons. Here’s a link to the published document.

Accordingly, with the support of One Young World, JAC is on the ground responding to the effects of the novel coronavirus which has extensively ravaged the already weak Kenya’s health systems. The project engages police officers to allow emergency medical cases to travel during curfew hours especially expectant women trying to access maternity services, and youth and school-going children in positive behaviours to discourage them from indulging in drugs and substance abuse, crime and premarital sex. The initiative is revitalizing environmental clubs in the Southern Cluster Zone of the primary schools in lower Mochongoi.

The Jamii Asilia Centre is also implementing a project in partnership with Slow Food and IFAD; Enhancing agro-pastoralists’ resilience amongst the Endorois youth and women towards indigenous food sovereignty.

Our programmes are aligned along below strategic focus and objectives–

  • Enhanced capacity of the indigenous people to understand and claim their rights especially youth and women.
  • Protection of indigenous knowledge, culture and practices
  • Promotion of peace and conflict resolution.
  • protection and promotion of Human rights and inclusion of indigenous people in the democratization processes.
  • protection of the Environment and better natural resources governance.
Current Programming and Milestones

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